Centralized Email Signature Management
Create a unified and professional email signature for your team members.
Easily add or change your email signature right from the Control Panel. Leave a memorable mark and make your brand shine.
Time-Saving Email Signatures: Automated Customization
With our placeholders, you can fill in each email signature with your users’ information like their name, last name, and job title automatically. Our central management makes sure your team gets their own custom email signature without any manual work.
Efficient HTML Email Signature Template Management
Easily make and personalize email signature templates using the text editor in the Control Panel. You can choose plain text or fancy HTML format. When you’re happy with the design, just use the template to give everyone in your domain a fresh company email signature.
No more dealing with individual email signatures and HTML files. This handy feature lets you update the signature template whenever you want, and everyone’s signatures will change right away. It’s simple email signature management right at your fingertips.
Single User Signature/Identity
You can easily handle the email signature and personal information for each person’s account all in one place whenever you want.
Plus, when you make a new email address for your company, you can change the email signature template and add the right info for the new account.
Administrators have the power to edit any part of a user’s signature or personal info straight from the Control Panel. Users will see their signature change automatically, so everything works smoothly.
Plus, when you make a new email address for your company, you can change the email signature template and add the right info for the new account.
Administrators have the power to edit any part of a user’s signature or personal info straight from the Control Panel. Users will see their signature change automatically, so everything works smoothly.